Godfrey Stewart Pasmore:

Godfrey Stewart Pasmore

Godfrey Pasmore worked tirelessly in his latter years to fulfill his vision of creating an institution which would preserve Canada’s aviation heritage with particular attention to Quebec’s contribution to our rich aviation history. Along with likeminded volunteers he founded the Canadian Aviation Heritage Centre in 1998 to raise the public’s awareness of aviation’s contribution to Canadian life. The Montreal Aviation Museum opened to the public in 2009.

Godfrey’s vision, leadership and tenacity were major factors in realizing today’s Montreal Aviation Museum, Quebec’s only aviation museum devoted to both civil and military aviation. Sadly, Godfrey passed away on March 12, 2016.

Patrick J Campbell:

Patrick J Campbell

2018 was marked by the passing of Patrick Campbell, at 94 our oldest active volunteer.

Patrick joined the Montreal Aviation Museum in the early years and was involved in the restoration of the Old Stone Barn and all of the major projects, including the Curtiss Reid Rambler, the aircraft in which he took his first flight. He served on the Board throughout, continuously offering his knowledge, ideas and wise counsel, all based on highly detailed research. He created the library of aviation-related books and documents that bears his name. He also found time to write a book on the construction and manufacture of aircraft at Canadian Vickers and Canadair.

Patrick was a man of extraordinary energy and enthusiasm whom we will always remember with gratitude for the seminal contribution he made to the MAM. His aviation history accomplishments were recognized in 2014 by the Canadian Aeronautical Preservation Association with the citation “to honor an individual who has over a significant period of time made a major contribution towards the preservation of Canada’s aviation history, its historic aircraft, and its artifacts.”
